The Glenn Bryant Band was created by Glenn Bryant in 2004. Having retired from music for 20 years due to life circumstance. Decided to start his passion of music again. The life long passion to write and perform music had returned. The Band went thru many changes over the years. Different members different music but it continued. The basis of the band was an all original live band which played all over the Houston Texas region. There were many successes and failures over the years but the music was always moving to new heights. The music is anywhere from rock to blues to funk. Everyone found something they would like.
What Musical Genre Do You Feel Best Describes Your Music And How Would You Describe Your Sound?
Rock Blues
How Did You Get YourName ? Is There A Story?
No story just Glenn Bryant Band
What Are or Have Been Your Musical Influences?
Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, SRV, Carlos Santana
What Are You Working On Now? Any Future Collaborations We Can Look Forward To?
There are some more songs the are a little less protest that is more about life.
What Is Your Ultimate Goal In The Music Industry? What Is Your Plan Of Action?
I would love to just write music.
What Is Your Favorite Track To Perform Live and Why?
I am going down
What Has Been The Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far?
Finding out that copy music is what everyone wants to hear.
What’s Your Typical Song Writing Process?
Start with a good rhythm and go from there
How Has Social Media Influenced Your Career As An Artist?
It has given a door to letting people listen to my music.
What Are Some Track sand Artists Currently On Your Playlist?
SRV a lot of old blues players
What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?
I was in construction.
Any Advice For Young People, Men or Women That Want To Succeed In The Music World?
I would tell to practice. Never give up on your dreams
What Would You Change In The Music Industry If You Were A Top Music Executive?
I would make more people have access to listen to peoples music.
How Do You Feel About Originality?
I feel that is it is where you need to be. Be yourself.